Correspondence on aspects of the history of Papua New Guinea and its documentation, 1996-1999 [microform]. [1996-1999]


Correspondence on aspects of the history of Papua New Guinea and its documentation, 1996-1999 [microform]. [1996-1999]

This file consists of correspondence with Jennifer Terrell (editor of The journal of Pacific history), Hank Nelson, Pat Hopper, Marie Clifton-Bassett (editor of Una voce), Peter Stone, Donald Denoon, Jim Kemsley re comic strip Ballantyne, Anne McCosker, W.L. (Wandering Wally) Doe, S.G.C. Simpson (Rabaul Photographics), Maxwell Hayes, Gananath Obeyesekere, Tessa Jones, Lance Oakley, Ken Brown, B.L. (Betty) Wood, and others.

1 microfilm reel ; 35 mm.


SNAC Resource ID: 7944508

Libraries Australia

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Australian National University. Pacific Manuscripts Bureau (corporateBody)

Cahill, Peter (person)

Peter Cahill is a former projects officer of the Department of the Administrator in Konedobu, Port Moresby, where his interest in the history of Papua New Guinea developed. His research concentrated on the Gazelle Peninsula of New Britain. His article dealing with the Chinese in between the wars was published in The journal of Pacific history in July 1996. Cahill also published an article on the Expropriation Board 1921-1927, and carried out further research work on pre-1900 European traders and...